Who we are

25 years of Caritas

Period 2015 – 2019

Projects launched:

  • The dance of tolerance
  • The Catholic Religious Mission Caritas Moldova was reorganized by transformation into the Charity Foundation Caritas Moldova
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Period 2010 – 2014

Projects launched:

  • Remote support for children "Godfathers of Baptism"
  • Capacity building in cystic fibrosis
  • Healthy choices for young people in HIV / AIDS prevention
  • Social integration of the elderly in Chisinau
  • Rehabilitation of the social infrastructure in Obileni village
  • Renovation of the Clinical Hospital in Bălți
  • Renovation of the Children's Department of the Clinical Hospital from Bălți
  • Renovation of the Vocational School in Ștefan Vodă
  • Young Caritas
  • Children with a future - a future for children
  • Renovation of the Pilot Complex of Curative Pedagogy "Orpheus" Chisinau
  • Repair of the Vocational - Technical School from Râșcani
  • Repair of the Vocational School from Ungheni
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Period 2005 – 2009

Projects launched:

  • Equipment for the Tuberculosis Hospital, Chișinău
  • Reconstruction of the Kindergarten from Crețoaia
  • Renovation of the auxiliary school in Vâsoca village
  • Day Care and Placement Center in Tiraspol and Petrushka
  • Home for the homeless in Stăuceni
  • Social service in parishes
  • Supporting the kindergartens Sloboda-Rașcov, Stârcea, Crețoaia
  • Renovation of the Municipal Clinical Hospital of Phthisiopulmonology in Chisinau
  • Day center for children and youth from Cretoaia
  • Renovation of the Boarding School in Napadova
  • Renovation of the auxiliary school in Popeasca village
  • National Forum for Community Health and Care
  • Day center for the elderly Râbnița
  • Renovation of the vocational school in Vulcănești
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Period 2000 – 2004

Projects launched:

  • Preschool Educational Center in Sloboda-Rașcov
  • Prevention of illegal migration
  • Children's Day Center in Râbnița and Bălți
  • Summer camps for children
  • The agricultural project in Grigorăuca
  • Children's rehabilitation center in Sângerei
  • Renovation of the sorting center in Chisinau
  • Social canteen Bălți, Râbnița, Bender, Slobozia-Rașcov, Crețoaia, Rașcov, Grigorăuca, Chișinău, Tiraspol, Stârcea
  • Creative workshop for children from Bender
  • Food for children and adults in hospitals
  • Gasification of Crețoaia village

In 2004, Caritas Moldova reformulated its anti-poverty strategy by implementing the pilot strategic plan. Thus, in January 2005, the implementation of the first three-year strategic plan (2005-2007) according to the standards of the Caritas Europe Federation began. A simple comparative analysis indicates a significant increase in the number of projects and, respectively, in the number of beneficiaries: from 46 projects implemented in 2004 (with over 17,000 beneficiaries), to 63 projects - in 2005. Next was the Strategic Plan 2008-2010, which aimed to achieve a number of objectives, including - assistance to vulnerable groups and social reintegration of poor and marginalized people. The activities carried out throughout Moldova are an integral part of the Strategic Plan 2012-2016.

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Period 1995 – 1999

Projects launched:

  • The Bishop of Chisinau registered the Catholic Religious Mission Caritas Moldova, as the social department of the Roman Catholic Church of the Republic of Moldova, which acted through Caritas branches in local parishes, consisting of local director (community pastor), operational coordinator, contributers and volunteers .
  •  Assistance to disaster victims
  • Humanitarian Aid
  • Stăuceni Social Canteen,
  • Assistance with medicines or Caritas Pharmacy,
  • Medical and social assistance in Tiraspol, Stăuceni, Grigorăuca, Stârcea, Rașcov
  •  HomeCare Chisinau, Bălți, Vadul lui Vodă
  •  In 1999, Caritas Moldova started long-term projects, such as: Home Care, Medical-Social Centers, Illegal Migration Prevention Program, Farm at Grigorăuca village, Day Centers for Children from Vulnerable Families in Bălţi and Rîbniţa, Rehabilitation center for children with physical disabilities in Sîngerei, hospitalization of needy patients, equipping hospitals with medical and para-medical equipment, scholarships for students, providing humanitarian aid, including medicines, disadvantaged people, maintenance of social canteens, etc.


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Anton Coșa
Anton CoșaBishop

Not to us, God, not to us, but give glory to your name (Ps 115,1)

From the beginning of its existence, Caritas Moldova has received from its founder a clear and unequivocal mandate, that of serving the poorest of the poor, all those who are on the margins of society, forgotten and neglected by all, and to he thus showed them the gentle and loving face of God, who "is love" (cf. 1 Cor 4:16), in all the acts of charity it promotes.

There are a lot of Caritas beneficiaries and very different: children, young or old, families in difficulty, the sick or people with various addictions. Approaching them with love, attention and care represents for each contributor more than an employment contract, but especially a mission of the soul and a vocation of joy from which they receive light, as Pope Francis says very nicely in the Encyclical Lumen fidei: "For how many men and women of faith the sufferers were mediators of light!" (No. 57)

Charity, God's love for those who have had less luck in life is the motivation for which the Caritas Moldova team, both at the central level and in its various structures in the territory, makes considerable efforts every day to help those in need, to ease their problems and give them new reasons for hope.

Caritas Moldova, in collaboration with partners from different country, has implemented numerous projects of great importance. Of course, there would have been room for more, but the short time and the limits of material possibilities did not allow this. However, a big and sincere word of thanks should be brought to both the partners and the Caritas Moldova team for all the good done. May God reward each one rich and tender!

† Anton Cosa

Foundation Council

People that change destinies

Petru Margina
Petru MarginaProject coordinator
Ioana Verejeanu
Ioana Verejeanu Accounting assistant
Rodica Nicolaeș
Rodica NicolaeșSocial assistant
Constanța Dobrostomat
Constanța DobrostomatLegal expert
Mariana Tanasî
Mariana TanasîProject coordinator
Gabriela Socolic
Gabriela SocolicExecutive assistant
Goreanu Olga
Goreanu OlgaSocial assistant
Suruceanu Olga
Suruceanu OlgaHR Specialist
Dmitri Dodica
Dmitri DodicaProject coordinator
Mihaela Racovița
Mihaela RacovițaCommunicator & volunteer coordinator
Cojocaru Irina
Cojocaru IrinaMonitoring and Evaluation Officer
Dumitru Roșica
Dumitru RoșicaMonitoring and Evaluation Officer
Ecaterina Scutelnic
Ecaterina Scutelnic Procurement coordinator
Ecaterina Moisei
Ecaterina Moisei Project coordinator
Mariana Cara
Mariana CaraFinancial coordinator
Natalia Morosanu
Natalia MorosanuSafeguarding Focal point / Deputy coordinator on Emergency Response
Olga Pînzaru
Olga Pînzaru Coordinators of numbers
Iuliana Romanenco
Iuliana RomanencoProject coordinator
Diana Antir
Diana Antir Educational Programs Coordinator
Ana-Maria Vlasa
Ana-Maria VlasaProject coordinator
Dumitrița Mistreț-Antir
Dumitrița Mistreț-AntirProject assistant
Irina Zavalniuc
Irina ZavalniucSAFE and MoH Project Coordinator
Grossu Maria
Grossu MariaNurse
Borcci Liudmila
Borcci Liudmila Health Assistant
Ostap Galina
Ostap GalinaHealth Assistant
 Chicu Corneliu
 Chicu CorneliuLogistics coordinator
Constanța Platon
Constanța PlatonReintegration advisor