The mission of Caritas Moldova is to exercise Christian charity in support of those most in need, to promote social equity and defend human dignity.
Caritas Moldova aspires to create a community based on solidarity, focusing on the promotion of human dignity, the common good, truth and freedom.
Caritas Moldova is an organization made up of a motivated and responsible team that is guided by Christian values and principles, such as human dignity, solidarity, compassion, voluntarism, integrity, transparency and universality.
The Charity Foundation Caritas Moldova created within the Roman-Catholic Church of Moldova, at the initiative of the Bishop of Chisinau, was registered, in its current legal form, on 2 June, 2015.
Our mission carries out its activities on the territory of the Republic of Moldova through the National Office and the 11 branches located in: Balti, Bender, Chisinau, Cretoaia, Grigorăuca, Rascov, Ribnita, Slobozia Rascov, Stauceni, Stircea, Tiraspol.
The main categories of beneficiaries of Caritas Moldova are: the abandoned elderly, people with disabilities, children, young people, students, vulnerable families, single-parent families, the unemployed, people in risk situations and other vulnerable categories.
Projects launched:
Projects launched:
Projects launched:
Projects launched:
In 2004, Caritas Moldova reformulated its anti-poverty strategy by implementing the pilot strategic plan. Thus, in January 2005, the implementation of the first three-year strategic plan (2005-2007) according to the standards of the Caritas Europe Federation began. A simple comparative analysis indicates a significant increase in the number of projects and, respectively, in the number of beneficiaries: from 46 projects implemented in 2004 (with over 17,000 beneficiaries), to 63 projects - in 2005. Next was the Strategic Plan 2008-2010, which aimed to achieve a number of objectives, including - assistance to vulnerable groups and social reintegration of poor and marginalized people. The activities carried out throughout Moldova are an integral part of the Strategic Plan 2012-2016.
Projects launched:
Not to us, God, not to us, but give glory to your name (Ps 115,1)
From the beginning of its existence, Caritas Moldova has received from its founder a clear and unequivocal mandate, that of serving the poorest of the poor, all those who are on the margins of society, forgotten and neglected by all, and to he thus showed them the gentle and loving face of God, who "is love" (cf. 1 Cor 4:16), in all the acts of charity it promotes.
There are a lot of Caritas beneficiaries and very different: children, young or old, families in difficulty, the sick or people with various addictions. Approaching them with love, attention and care represents for each contributor more than an employment contract, but especially a mission of the soul and a vocation of joy from which they receive light, as Pope Francis says very nicely in the Encyclical Lumen fidei: "For how many men and women of faith the sufferers were mediators of light!" (No. 57)
Charity, God's love for those who have had less luck in life is the motivation for which the Caritas Moldova team, both at the central level and in its various structures in the territory, makes considerable efforts every day to help those in need, to ease their problems and give them new reasons for hope.
Caritas Moldova, in collaboration with partners from different country, has implemented numerous projects of great importance. Of course, there would have been room for more, but the short time and the limits of material possibilities did not allow this. However, a big and sincere word of thanks should be brought to both the partners and the Caritas Moldova team for all the good done. May God reward each one rich and tender!
† Anton Cosa