November 08, 2021 // When was the last time you did or received a gesture of good? What does it mean to be in solidarity with the needs of the people around you and how much does kindness cost you?
In the context of the International Day of Goodwill, from November 8 to November 12, 2021, the Platform for the Promotion and Development of Philanthropy, with the support of the Swedish Embassy, conducts the "National Week of Goodness". For 7 days, several philanthropic organizations, businesses, influential people will talk and promote personal and corporate philanthropy as an alternative to solving social problems and education model of the young generation and will encourage people to make gestures of kindness.
The National Week of Goodness is carried out by the Platform for the Promotion and Development of Philanthropy, with the financial support of Sweden.
For details, contact Elena Nofit, Communicator of Goodness Week:, 069749924