Hope Piglet Caritas

Hope Piglet Caritas

Did you know that? Can you direct 2% of your income tax to a non-profit or religious organization? You choose!

Be an involved citizen! Leave your mark on the Caritas Hope Piglet with confidence!

You decide how to spend 2% of your income tax already paid to the state. We Multiply the Good Deeds!

2% yours + 2% his + 2% hers + 2% ours = 100% love, attention, care.

It contributes to the efficiency of spending public money by directing it to the Caritas Moldova Charitable Foundation.

Participate in solving social problems!

2% of an average salary means 122 lei. It is apparently small, but 2% from me, from you, from us can make an essential contribution to the normalization of the lives of the elderly and children with disabilities, poor families from extreme poverty.

  • you give a chance to normalcy for 300 poor children!
  • today you give 2% of your income and tomorrow you will see how a fulfilled young man grows!
  • you provide quality medical and social services for 500 elderly people alone!

What should you do:

- Go to the nearest State Tax Service with the bulletin

- Fill in the income tax forms, CET statement 18

- In the M1 field of the form, enter the tax code / IDNO of the NGO you want to support

Yes I want! How can I direct 2% to Caritas Moldova? It's simple,

watch the video: https://www.facebook.com/caritas.md/videos/255283352457651