Did you know that? Can you direct 2% of your income tax to a non-profit or religious organization? You choose!
Be an involved citizen! Leave your mark on the Caritas Hope Piglet with confidence!
You decide how to spend 2% of your income tax already paid to the state. We Multiply the Good Deeds!
2% yours + 2% his + 2% hers + 2% ours = 100% love, attention, care.
It contributes to the efficiency of spending public money by directing it to the Caritas Moldova Charitable Foundation.
Participate in solving social problems!
2% of an average salary means 122 lei. It is apparently small, but 2% from me, from you, from us can make an essential contribution to the normalization of the lives of the elderly and children with disabilities, poor families from extreme poverty.
What should you do:
- Go to the nearest State Tax Service with the bulletin
- Fill in the income tax forms, CET statement 18
- In the M1 field of the form, enter the tax code / IDNO of the NGO you want to support
Yes I want! How can I direct 2% to Caritas Moldova? It's simple,
watch the video: https://www.facebook.com/caritas.md/videos/255283352457651