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NIN Moldova Regufee Support and Winterization Program in the Republic of Moldova.

NIN Moldova Regufee Support and Winterization Program in the Republic of Moldova.

The NIN Moldova Regufee Support and Winteritation Program in the Republic of Moldova was launched within the Caritas Moldova Charitable Foundation. The objective of this project is to ensure an effective emergency response for refugees in Moldova.  Caritas Moldova, through the NIN project, aims to provide support to those who have offered their help. It is a wonderful initiative that showcases solidarity and human kindness in times of need.
This NIN project activity is an important step in increasing the safety and well-being of refugee-host families in Moldova. By replacing windows and doors, Caritas Moldova aims to support those who have generously offered their help in these difficult times. 
On Friday 16 June, a team of three Caritas workers visited eight families to discuss the necessary steps to replace windows and doors in the homes of those hosting refugees in Ungheni and Balti, Moldova. Precise steps were taken to ensure the correct fitting of the replacement elements. The next stage involves the actual replacement process, where the project team will work closely with host families and partner craftsmen to ensure a smooth and efficient installation. It is important to note that this project would not be possible without the support and contribution of donors.

Caritas Moldova remains committed to its mission of providing an effective emergency response for refugees in Moldova, creating a safe and supportive environment for both refugees and their host families.