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Three days of continuous work Caritas Moldova

Three days of continuous work Caritas Moldova

Photo Report

25.02.2022 - this day with a major impact for everyone, will remain in history an imprint of faith and hope. Following the catastrophic events in Ukraine, a state of alert has been announced for our sisters and brothers in Ukraine and around the world.

In 3 days the whole world showed love, compassion, kindness and a lot of solidarity. The human factor has played a major role in our history.

The Caritas Moldova Charitable Foundation, being part of Caritas Internaționalis, present in 160 countries, aims to support and protect vulnerable, marginalized and at risk people. With Catholic social doctrine as our main source of inspiration, we develop communities and provide humanitarian assistance and social services in extreme cases.

We stand in solidarity with humanitarian aid organizations and applaud their efforts, and we stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. We want PEACE. Through compassion. We continue to offer love, attention and care.

25.02. The risky situation made us mobilize extremely quickly, together with our colleagues from CRS (Catholic Relief Service), purchasing goods of strict necessity to warm the souls of 36 frightened refugees from the migrant center in Chisinau. We are grateful to the local authorities - the National Office for Migration and Asylum, for their receptivity and reception.

26.02 Donations were collected. The call for volunteers, volunteer psychologists and the hiring of English speakers and a volunteer coordinator was launched.

27.02 Donations were sorted, donations received. The office for receiving free psychological consultations for refugees from Ukraine on 30/1 Gheorghe Asachi Street has been opened. Caritas Moldova in collaboration with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Chisinau and the Charity Foundation "Casa Providenței" has opened a modern center for refugees at Casa Providenţei.

28.02 At the Refugee Center on Musatinilor Street, 27 refugees were sheltered and fed. Thanks to the collaboration with Caritas Luxembourg and CRS, Caritas Moldova donated to the Migration and Asylum Office 10 professional headphones for the operators of the Call Center of the Migration and Asylum Office, so that it can provide full support for those who need shelter or information. essential information about refugees in Ukraine. Donations were collected and collected. Psychologists have been trained to develop an action strategy. Important data was collected on existing and open emergency migrant centers. Thanks to the collaboration with World Central Kitchen - US partner, 109 lunches were delivered to the Migrant Center in Chisinau.

Thank you: Caritas Luxembourg, Caritas Austria, Catholic Relief Center, "Providence House" Charitable Foundation, Catholic Diocese, Studio Art Picaso in Chisinau, Migration and Asylum Office, World Central Kitchen in the US, Elongate - international company, Ms. Adina from Romania and many other dear people with a big heart.