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Peaceful Christmas - Message From The President of Caritas Europa

Peaceful Christmas - Message From The President of Caritas Europa

Dear friends,

With this message, I wish to send you greetings of peace for this Christmas, and I want to express my admiration and gratitude for all the work that has been carried out through the Caritas network in Europe in this year 2022.

It has been, in many ways, a very difficult year for so many and in particular for the people that we serve through our actions as Caritas.

I think especially of all those who are living through the war in Ukraine.

We would not have believed, when this year started, that a cruel war was going to rage in Europe again.

I think of those persons who are directly affected in Ukraine, those who face loss and trauma, fear and doubts. And I thank those of you working in Ukraine, as well as the neighbouring countries, who support those in need.

I also think of all those who face the many immense consequences of the war across the world but also of those who struggle for so many other reasons. There is in Europe today an increasing number of people who cannot make ends meet. People affected by food insecurity, draught, floodings… People who are victims of broken relationships or violence.

There are many people who face social injustices. There are those who are lonely, and many who face severe mental health issues and even doubt their worth as human beings.

I encompass them all in my prayers as this year comes to a close, and I pray for peace.

We will celebrate the King of Peace as Christmas arrives.

We know that war and suffering will not have the last word. We also know that our action makes a difference.

We can be agents of peace. We can be agents of justice. We can be agents of hope.

This brings me joy, and much needed light in otherwise challenging times.

2023 will be an important year for our Caritas family. A key moment will be the General Assembly of Caritas Internationalis in Rome in May, from the 10th-16th May.

I look forward very much to seeing you there.

Caritas Europa will celebrate our 30th anniversary in 2023, and I take this occasion to invite you to a moment of celebration on the 10th of May in Rome, where we will have a festive dinner together in the evening. The morning after, on the 11th of May, Caritas Europa will hold our Regional Conference, which takes place just before a Mass with the Holy Father.

Please make sure to block your agendas.

During the Regional Conference, the election of the Secretary General of Caritas Europa will take place.

The Executive Board has unanimously decided to propose the current Secretary General, Maria Nyman, for a second four-year mandate. We will therefore put her name forward to you as our proposed candidate for election by the Regional Conference.

I believe that the European region of Caritas is in good hands, and I am honoured to continue to serve in the next few years.

We cannot know what 2023 will bring, but we shall continue to strive for social justice and human dignity. We can contribute to shaping 2023 for the better.

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for doing that every day through your work for Caritas.

May God bless you, your families and beloved ones.

And I wish you all a good and peaceful time.