AID_ Immediate and integrated support actions for people affected by conflict in Moldova

AID_ Immediate and integrated support actions for people affected by conflict in Moldova

Through this project we provide support in meeting the basic needs of both refugees from Ukraine and vulnerable people in Moldova by offering:  

  • food vouchers, 
  • medicine vouchers, 
  • clothing vouchers 
  • Vouchers for hygiene products. 

The project also provides support for the integration of Ukrainian refugees through legal advice, case management and the provision of basic household necessities for those families leaving refugee centers and moving into separate housing.
The AID project particularly prioritizes extremely vulnerable people: single-parent families, families with many children, people with chronic or incurable diseases, people with disabilities and low-income families. 


Project coordinator

Natalia Moroșanu
Natalia Moroșanu Safeguarding Focal point / Deputy coordinator on Emergency Response

Gheorghe Asachi 30/1

Motto: Humanity needs more kindness, smiles and care. I want to contribute to that.