"The theater that unites us in solving common problems"
Period of activity: 2018 – 2020
Partner: "Children's Childhood" Charitable Foundation, Tiraspol
Purpose: building lasting partnerships on both sides of the Dniester River, providing legal information to adolescents and young people and developing skills to defend their rights
Beneficiaries: 30 volunteers and adolescents at risk on both banks of the Dniester, aged between 18 and 25 years;
Donor: funded by the European Union and co-financed by Sweden through the Eastern European Foundation, under the project "Building bridges, overcoming barriers - building bridges between civil society and communities on both banks of the Dniester"
This project aims to promote human rights among adolescents at risk through the Social Theater in Chisinau and Tiraspol, Transnistria
Young people from vulnerable families and boarding school graduates do not have access to legal information. In this respect, this category of citizens is not aware of their rights, has difficulties with communication skills and therefore does not know how to protect their rights in practice. Within the project, legal seminars and workshops take place in which the participants accumulate information on the rights guaranteed to the citizens of the Republic of Moldova, the difference between classical theater and social theater; the role of actors, the role of the audience. Social Theater allows children to independently choose topics that interest them, to play them in roles and to show them to others. Through social performances, teenagers can transmit the information received to colleagues, friends and others.
Social theater is a platform where young people can use their legal knowledge and communication skills:
Also, within the project in Tiraspol, individual legal support is provided by a lawyer, who helps adolescents to solve their legal problems (placement on the waiting list of housing, documentation, registration, debt on utility bills, benefits, etc.). to improve the quality of life.
Caritas Moldova Charitable Foundation
078800537 diana.antir@caritas.md