Since the first hours of the Russian aggression, approx. 460.000 refugees have crossed into Moldova, and approx. 90.000 Ukrainian citizens remained on the territory of the Republic of Moldova. From the onset of the crisis, Caritas Moldova has been providing critical, comprehensive humanitarian assistance, working to serve newly arriving. Caritas Moldova focused its integrated services on the extremely vulnerable individuals (EVIs - single mothers with children, sick and lonely elderly, people with disabilities, Roma people).
The Caritas Refugee Centers is a temporary program. Caritas offers shelter for the most vulnerable (EVI) (people with special needs, the elderly, mothers with children, people with physical disabilities).
Повний список наших послуг для біженців з України.
What We Aim to Achieve: With this project, we seek to establish an integrated service centre that offers holistic support to approximately 30-35 Ukrainian single mothers with children. Our goal is to address their immediate needs and facilitate long-term stability and integration into society.
The Transitional accommodation for vulnerable Ukrainians in Moldova Program aims to provide an effective alternative to Ukrainian refugees in need of temporary accommodation while they are displaced in Moldova.