Refugee Centers

Refugee Centers

The Refugee Center is a temporary program opened on February 27 by Caritas Moldova within the John Paul II Foundation and the “Providence House” Charity Foundation, supported by Caritas Luxembourg, Luxembourg Aid & Development, Caritas Slovenia and the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The refugee center, with a capacity of 125 places, offers shelter for the most vulnerable (EVI) (people with special needs, the elderly, mothers with children, people with physical disabilities). The center offers the following services free of charge: meals three times a day, humanitarian assistance, psycho-emotional support, medical care, social support, information, legal services, day center for children with a recreational-educational program. With the support of Caritas Germany, children and adults receive Romanian language lessons inside the center. Location: Chisinau, 1 Mușatinilor Street, +373 510 808 / +373 69797545

A second Center for Refugees opened on April 19, inside the Roman Catholic Parish "Saint Anne", Ungheni, supported by Caritas Austria. From the beginning of the conflict until now, intense work has been done on repairing the infrastructure, arranging the space and equipping it with everything necessary for a decent living. The center is authorized and has a capacity of 40 people with a spacious yard, hot food twice a day, social assistance, space for children and transport included. Location: Ungheni, str. Națională 45, +37378201203
