

The DARE Regional Program: “Dream Achieve Realize Express - Education and social innovation in Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Romania for a good life for our children” is supported by Caritas Vienna and is implemented in 11 localities: in Moldova (Caritas Moldova in Bălți municipality and Petropavlovca village, Singerei district, Regina Pacis in Floresti district: Ştefăneşti village, Varvareuca village, Roşietici village, MS Diaconia in Edinet district: Feteşti village), in Romania (Caritas Alba Iulia in Ojdula commune, Covasna commune, Caritas Iaşi Diocesan Center in Iaşi municipality and Caritas Timişoara Federation in Periam locality), and Ukraine (Kharkov, Lvov and Kiev region).
The implementation period of the program is June 1, 2017 - June 30, 2021.

The vision of the program: we want our children to grow up and become happy and responsible adults, able to reach their full potential in life. We want to give them the courage to fight for their dreams, and when they run into obstacles, to not give up and try again.

The purpose of the program: children in the targeted regions of Ukraine, Moldova and Romania grow up to be resilient and capable adults, reaching their potential in life
The DARE program is based on the assumption that increasing children's resilience and empowerment is a process that involves different stakeholders and the ecosystems around the child: the family, the community and society in general.
To improve the ecosystem in which children are born and raised, the program focuses on strengthening a range of dispositions - such as creativity, aspirations, resilience, critical thinking and motivation - to support their voice and empowerment. This is done by implementing three innovative methodologies, known as self-organized learning environments (SOLE), Mindfulness and children's parliaments in action.

DARE (Dream Achieve Realize Express) is a pilot project for children, education and social innovation, based on 3 basic pillars:
• encouraging children's creativity - by implementing the SOLE methodology in the actual sessions. Every day the children have a SOLE session in which, in a very open and friendly environment, the children interact in groups, form teamwork skills and learn new things through the internet looking for answers to the big question the teacher asks.
• increasing the involvement of parents in the development of children - in order to make parents responsible citizens, who care about the problems of the community they belong to and to contribute together, through community organization and mobilization of locals, to their solution.
• involvement in the development of children of various groups of civil society - within the program were conducted a series of seminars for project workers related to both the development of professional skills of workers and seminars to improve working skills with children. Also through this program, the Child Protection Policy was adapted and improved.

DARE means:
•    Creating an environment through which children can learn autonomously, with the help of technology, through the SOLE method;
•    Children's Parliament that gives children a voice and will be encouraged to develop social projects in the community;
•    Parenting, for the development of parenting skills;
•    Organizational development through courses and trainings for specialists.

The program promotes confidence that children growing up and achieving better results in a stimulating environment that meets their individual potential, and creates spaces for dreams, expression of opinion, meeting needs, etc. Children need a supportive environment, in which parents, caregivers and teachers have the skills and abilities to provide Love and Support, interacting with them and encouraging children in a positive way, which helps them develop stable emotional relationships. Last but not least, the organizations involved need to develop their capacities to ensure the Impact and Sustainability of the surrounding social ecosystem, and to produce long-term impact through sustainable interventions.


Caritas in action