
Huge gratitude for CAFOD UK

Support from our partners makes us continue our work with more motivation and offer hope to vulnerable people. Together we will bring warmth to the hearts of people with a passion for care.

Huge gratitude to Caritas Internationalis

“The world needs hope. And with gratitude, with this habit of saying thank you, we transmit a bit of hope. Everything is united and everything is connected, and everyone needs to do his or her part wherever we are. ” Pope Francis

Caritas Moldova vă mulțumește pentru dragoste, atenție și grijă. Contribuția voastră încălzește sufletele și aduce pace.

Huge Gratitude to Caritas Slovenia and Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Caritas Slovenia was founded in 1990. In 1995, it became a member of Caritas Internationalis and Caritas Europa.

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