
Thanks to Caritas Austria

We are very grateful to our dear donors Caritas Austria who support our charity by giving love, consideration and care.

Thanks to Ienei Iosif

In 2021, the most generous man is Mr. Ienei Iosif - General Manager of ICS TRIGOR AVD SRL Moldova. 

The gift of Ienei Iosif is the Santa Claus of the hungry children and eager for a miracle! He is the helper of a dignified life for the lonely and the poor.

Elves of Santa Caritas

What could be more beautiful than the sincere smile of children who enjoy something new in extracurricular activities, being removed from sad thoughts and worn in a beautiful fairy tale created by their own imagination.

With good-hearted and receptive elves, Santa Caritas also managed to please the children from vulnerable families this winter.


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