MESAJUL DE PAȘTI 2023 al președintelui Fundației de Binefacere „Caritas Moldova”
Isus le-a zis: „Veniți și mâncați!” (In 21,12)
Achieving social justice should become a central focal point of the modern society. For 27 years, Caritas Moldova has been striving to reduce poverty and guarantee equal opportunities for Republic of Moldova’s most vulnerable citizens.
The face of the sick man is the face of the crucified Savior. There is so much sadness and sincere faith, hope and patience, forgiveness and example in the eyes of patients... From them we can learn to bear our cross in patience. Patients teach us to believe with all our being. They give us an example of quiet hope, which is the fruit of inner struggle and spiritual search. They enable us to learn to love without seeking our own.
This week is dedicated to the Children’s Mental Health. Caritas Moldova promotes mental health awareness and tries to assist young people in every way possible. Each day we communicate with children and their guardians to assure the correct treatment and inclusivity of the little ones.
Caritas Moldova congratulates everyone with the International Day of Human Fraternity!
Caritas Moldova sincerely congratulates the consecrated persons!