Caritas Moldova, in partnership with the "World Vision Romania" Foundation, expands its efforts to help communities in 21 districts of Moldova that host refugees from Ukraine.
Caritas Moldova is extremely happy to open its doors for young volunteers from the Ion Creangă State Pedagogical University.
On October 19, our team was invited to Zîrnești village of Cahul District of the Republic of Moldova. The local gymnasium “Ion Creangă” held a celebration of Autumn Fair on the school’s premises. We were given a warm welcome by the school’s headmistress, teachers and pupils alike.
Fundația de Binefacere Caritas Moldova solicită oferte de preț de la companii /furnizori de produse alimentare.
The head of Caritas Moldova had a meeting the new Country Manager of the Catholic Relief Service – Mrs. Jamieson Davies.
Instruirile urmează să consolideze și să dezvolte cunoștințele și abilitățile personalului Caritas Moldova, cu scopul de a oferi servicii de calitate și de a răspunde nevoilor reale ale beneficiarilor.