Let's keep our young ladies, future mothers, warm.
Poverty, hunger and cold are not child's play.
For the holidays, 1250 warm pink shorts were donated.
News of 2022! The Caritas Moldova Charitable Foundation is (re) accredited (for the next 5 years) to carry out telemedicine services on the territory of the Republic of Moldova.
Did you know that? Every two months, 60 vulnerable people receive food, personal hygiene packages, diapers, clothes and medicines as needed. People receiving this Community aid are over 65, with limited living possibilities, socially isolated, in need of home care: the elderly, the chronically ill, people in bed, people with disabilities, people in the terminal stages of life their.
Thanks to Stefanini Group, Caritas Moldova beneficiaries feel protected from poverty and protected by Love, Attention and Care.
Many thanks to these devoted partners who donated a food package, puzzles and gifts for the 9 children from a vulnerable family.
The winter holidays bring a lot of light and warmth to our souls.
On this occasion, entertainment shows full of creativity and folklore took place in the CARING Centers.
Young Caritas Moldova volunteers received two training sessions in December entitled "Training of staff and volunteers in the field of home health care" and "Consequences and Prevention of Covid-19".
The clergy, consecrated persons and the faithful communities of Moldova are grateful to PS Anton Coșa for his episcopal service.