The Charity Campaign "A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body" began with a visit to the I. Creangă ”from Zîrnești village, Cahul district.
Good deeds unite and inspire us. A successful collaboration between the Caritas Moldova Charitable Foundation and the Invitro Diagnostics Health Network.
PETRUSHKA Center was visited by St. Nicholas!
On December 5th we celebrate International Volunteer Day!
With this occasion we would like to thank the YOUNGCaritasMoldova team for their support, motivation and continuous involvement in charitable activities.
This team of involved, hardworking and active young people continue to grow and develop skills with us. Become a Volunteer!
We also congratulate all the good people, jumping in need to help through effort, time, donations and impact - community. Together we are a power and it is natural to help each other unconditionally. It is a pleasure to be a volunteer when you realize how many beautiful things we can do by joining forces.
We thank God for blessing us with such a pastor, mentor and supporter!
On Friday, November 12, the Caritas Moldova Charitable Foundation fully enjoys two very important visits.
See the results of the campaign # give the joy of flipping through a book.
#dăruieștebucuriadearăsfoiocarte #caritasmoldova #caritas #caritatemoldova #șieisuntainoștri #șieusuntcaritas #provoacăbunătatea #provoacabucurii