Every end is also a new beginning. With this conviction, the Caritas Moldova Charitable Foundation team organized a closing conference of the "Emergency Appeal" (EA) project. At the beginning of the summation session, the participants recited Pope John Paul II's "Prayer for Peace" as well as the "Our Father."
It's good to want to help those in need, but you also need to have some training so that your help is effective and reaches the people affected. For this very reason, in 1997, the Sphere project was initiated by a group of NGOs and the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement to develop a set of universal minimum standards in the core areas of humanitarian response, which are contained in the Sphere Handbook.
"A better world also means a more comfortable world" - guided by this motto, we initiated a competition to create the "Youth Corner Caritas Moldova" model.
On Tuesday, April 16, 2024, the Caritas Moldova team participated in an Advocacy workshop on children's rights offered by the German charity organization "Kindernothilfe".
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Și... Start cu primele două zile de instruire despre standardele Sphere în Moldova.
„Credința în Înviere este adevărata mângâiere în suferințe, în lupta cu ostenelile și cu greutățile vieții”. sfântul Ioan Gură de Aur